- 1. Go here http://linux-sunxi.org/FEL/USBBoot#Using_sunxi-fel_on_Windows and install driver with zadig.
- Fel mode is activated by holding down reset while switching on power button - http://linux-sunxi.org/FEL
- 2. Grab tool here https://github.com/madmonkey1907/hakchi/releases
- Dump uboot and kernel from your nes. uboot should have md5 b13b538f6b7c86623ceea69c456d4eb5, if it's not, it might be unsafe to continue. 8ce1857653874e8f0cd3fe68abe1bb4a and 9b8046b47c947d9fa322976c038003e0 also confirmed to work.
- 3. Prepare roms - with nesmini shell, rom is a directory, not a file. Template+tool here https://www.dropbox.com/s/3t3wrkhw26shro0/nesromtool.zip?dl=0
- tl;dr you need a rom, image, and optional *.desktop file. it's a text file you can edit.
- 4. Place rom dirs in
- mod/hakchi/transfer/rootfs/usr/share/games/nes/kachikachi/
- nesromtool will do this for you if you unpack it in nesromtool subdir of hakci-gui tree
- 5. unpack kernel / repack kernel
- 6. Do a memboot, nes will shutdown, switch it to fel mode again.
- 7. Flash kernel <- do this ONLY ONCE. there is no need to ever do it again. until custom kernels appear that is.
- If there is a save in first slot of Super Mario Bros. it will load mod, otherwise it will load stock shell.
- You also get getty on uart interface, but there isn't much use in it if you don't have uart soldered.
- DISCLAIMER: I'm not responsible for any damage you might inflict upon your nesmini
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